VIDEO: Miguel Tudela Surfs Monstrous Sea-Eating Waves “This Would Have Been The Wave Of The Decade, Easily.” -Michael Ciaramella of (original source) The demon-breath spits coming out of these massive tubes would vaporize a weaker man, yet Tudela sends them with amplitude. As Ciaramella says: “Miguel Tudela has tiger blood.” Surf Elliot Levey | June 5, 2020 0 Comments
Patagonia Will Repair Your Wetsuit For Free Patagonia’s Worn Wear Company is going on tour and will repair your wetsuit for free! Patagonia’s Worn Wear company is working hard to keep your gear in action, and specialize in repairs, and re-using gear. They are heading up and down the west coast stopping at locations like Seaside, Mill Valley and Santa Cruz within the next month, to spread […] Gear Review Kristen Strom | June 16, 2018 0 Comments
Jack O’Neill Paddle Out in Santa Cruz, CA Sets Guinness World Record [arve url=""] SwellBrains | July 13, 2017 437 Likes 0 Tweets 0 Comments
“Dress for the Weather” | Wetsuit Skiing at Whistler When the temps at Whistler haven’t dropped below freezing in a week, sometimes you just gotta whip out your wetsuit… Whistler forecast: 80-140mm of rain. Freezing line: 2100m Whistler Peak elevation: 2182m Dress for the weather. ameliatraynor | February 11, 2015 1 Comment
Swell Saturdays | How To: Take Care of Your Wetsuit This article from Surfer Magazine shows us some great techniques to take care of our wetsuits. After spending $400+ on your suit, you want it to last as long as possible. Wetsuits are some of the coolest things out there. If you have the right wetsuit, you can surf anywhere on Earth. 1) A thorough freshwater rinse. If you do nothing else, rinse […] Surf SwellBrains | November 30, 2013 2 Comments
Shark Proof Wetsuit SAMS (Shark Attack Mitigation Systems) has reportedly come up with 2 wetsuit designs that will keep sharks off ya when you’re surfing. Sounds good to us. How do they work? They have 2 designs. One design warns the shark that you are there via bright black and white strips, the other goes with blue camouflage that hides your existence. The […] Surf SwellBrains | July 19, 2013 2 Comments