The 9 Best Cats for Snow

Riley McDonald | | Post Tag for BrainsBrains
cat pawprints
Cat pawprints, image: Saikorn, Shutterstock

All over the internet and in your personal life you can observe people enjoying snowy adventures with their four-legged pals. However, these companions are almost exclusively dogs. What about our other fluffy four-legged friends? This article is for all those cat and adventure lovers out there.

Ever dream of a cat that will adore backcountry expeditions with you? Or maybe a cat that will enjoy a snowy afternoon stroll or even one that will play in your snow-blanketed backyard with the kids? Well, look no further. We have compiled a list of the 9 best cat breeds to enjoy a snow-packed adventure as your fluffy companion.

American Bobtail

American Bobtail cat
American Bobtail cat, image: orangegroup, Shutterstock

The American Bobtail has a striking resemblance to wild cats, but their demeanor could not be more different. They are very friendly, yet kept the adventurous spirit of a wild cat and adapt well to traveling. These traits, along with its shaggy double-coated fur make this cat a contender for a winter companion.


Chartreux cat
Chartreux cat, image: Nataliya Balanyuk, Shutterstock

The Chartreux is a rare breed, but they are seemingly bred for winter. They are double-coated for insulation, and their coat is water-resistant, making them amazing snowy-day companions. Additionally, they are very muscular cats that will be able to keep up and endure any adventure. They also make for a phenomenal hunting cat.


Himalayan cat
Himalayan cat in a garden, image: ecuadorplanet, Shutterstock

As you can deduce by their name, the Himalayan is a mountain breed. Naturally making them accustomed to cold weather. Not only do they have well-insulted double coats, but their skin produces a large amount of oil to prevent water from freezing to their skin.

Maine Coon 

maine coon cat
Maine Coon cat in the snow, image: DragoNika, Shutterstock

The Maine Coon is notoriously known to make great cold-weather cats. They have thick coats that extend around their bellies, providing optimal insulation. These large cats also have wide paws allowing them to scurry across the snow with ease. 


Manx cat
Manx cat, image: Pixel Cat Photo, Shutterstock

The Manx has a double coat providing effective insulation, and their fur covers their whole bodies including their bellies. They also are a breed with long legs, allowing them to keep their bodies above the snow.

Norwegian Forest Cat

norwegian forest cat
Norwegian Forest cat in the snow, image: Elisa Putti, Shutterstock

Being from Norway, the Norwegian Forest Cat is perfectly tailored for snowy conditions. Their extremely thick coat is even thicker around their vital areas allowing them to thrive in the coldest of climates. To further insulate, their outer coat is completely waterproof.


persian cat
Persian cat walking outside, image: Jong Chul KIM, Shutterstock

The Persian cat, along with many others, has a double coat to keep them toasty in the snow. However, few other breeds have a double coat as effective as the Persians making them excellent snow cats.

Russian Blue

russian blue cat
Russian Blue cat outside, image: Review News, Shutterstock

The Russian Blue cat has a great inner insulating layer of fur and a coarse outer layer that effectively wicks away moisture. If they can survive Russian winters, then they can make incredible snow companions anywhere in the world!


If you think of some of the coldest places on Earth, your mind will probably wander to Siberia. Due to Siberiaโ€™s extreme cold, the Siberian cat does not have a double coat, rather, they have a triple coat. The inner coat provides insulation, the middle coat ensures the insulation layer is firmly pressed against their skin, and the outer layer acts as a water-resistant raincoat.

siberian cat
Siberian cat in the snow, image: Emil Helge, Shutterstock

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