Tioga Pass Trip Report | 2 Days on Saddlebag Lake | May 25-26 Photo Tour

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Home for the next couple days just below GPS Bowl.  Lots of options still holding.
Home for the next couple days just below GPS Bowl. Lots of options still holding.

(editorโ€™s note:  this is a brief trip report from our friend Christian.  He and his buddies spent Memorial Day Weekend snowboarding in the Tioga Pass area.  They found good snow and good times up there.  This report is photo heavy to help show everyone exactly how this zone is holding up. Looks like a great time.)

Saddlebag lake area map
Saddlebag lake area map

words & photos by Christian Schrader

Skinned out Saturday morning with the crew from Saddle Bag lake [right off Tioga Pass, CA].  Had brought the bikes in case we had to ride up the road to Saddle Bag, lucky for us it was wide open and you could drive and park at the one end of the lake.

 sunset Saturday night.
sunset Saturday night.

Once we got around the lake we dropped some gear at where we would later set up camp just below GPS Bowl on the still somewhat frozen shore of Greenstone Lake.

Saturday morning held great snow come late morning/early afternoon.

Probably still a couple weeks left of fun spring shredding to be had out there so go get after it!

Saddlebag Lake, looking down from a top GPS Bowl.
Saddlebag Lake, looking down from a top GPS Bowl.
Greenstone Lake and camp looking down from GPS Bowl. Saturday morning held great snow come late morning/early afternoon.
Greenstone Lake and camp looking down from GPS Bowl.
View of Mt Conness from the skin up GPS.
View of Mt Conness from the skin up GPS.
Scored an all time sunset Saturday night.
Scored an all time sunset Saturday night.
Hanging around during the morning picking lines and waiting for the snow to soften.
Hanging around during the morning picking lines and waiting for the snow to soften.
If you are willing to work for it there are a lot of really fun lines out there.
If you are willing to work for it there are a lot of really fun lines out there.
Kyle (@shrdnar),  my self and Bryan (rocking board shorts none the less).
Kyle (@shrdnar), my self and Bryan (rocking board shorts none the less).

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8 thoughts on โ€œTioga Pass Trip Report | 2 Days on Saddlebag Lake | May 25-26 Photo Tourโ€

  1. Thanks for the great report! Weโ€™re headed up there this weekend. Did you ski, or see, the couloirs off North Peak? Iโ€™m hoping theyโ€™re still holding some snow and arenโ€™t all ice yet. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Yea North peak looked good. To be honest when we were there after topping out above GPS bowl and looking out, those bowls and lines all looked really good. Saw a few lines from others as well so it is definitely a viable option. Go get it and good luck!


  2. Strong work. I love this area. Spent many summers up at Cascade lake just down the trail.

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