Tracking your Winter Sports Activity is Becoming Increasingly Popular

Samantha Gates | | Post Tag for Industry NewsIndustry News
skiing powder at powder mountain utah
Skiing at Powder Mountain | Photo Credit: Ian Matteson for Powder Mountain

Year-end reviews are a fun way to look back at the year. People reflect on their personal year, employers conduct reviews of their employees, and brands are starting to share what was most relevant across their verticals โ€” Google’s Year in Search, Spotify’s Wrapped โ€” to share connections they had with their customers and trends. Strava, the social media platform for athletes, released their “Year in Sport The Trend Report” which pulls responses from a survey of active people from their global community as well as those not on the app and Strava activity data from 2023 to give insights on exercise and exploration trends.

The “Year in Sport Trend Report” dives into all sorts of stats such as top forms of movement, what music athletes listen to while working out, countries that are most popular to be active in, and top devices athletes upload from.

music trends when working out
Athletes are motivated by music! | Photo Credit:

So, what does the report tell us about winter sports?

  • Alpine skiing is in the top 10 of sports with the most Strava uploads.
  • 31% of uploads by backcountry skiers were done by groups.
  • When away from home, users are most likely to upload alpine skiing and snowboarding as their activity.
  • Austria and Switzerland were in the top five countries by share of activities uploaded.
Most Uploads on Strava 2023
Sports with the most uploads on Strava | Photo Credit:

Go winter sports! The popularity of winter sports is increasing. Data reviewed by Strava in 2022 showed skiing and snowboarding uploads increasing 379% and 180% respectively, which is also partially explained by the end of travel bans from COVID-19 across the globe.

Trips to ski towns and resorts remain popular in 2023 and apparently tracking your winter sports is becoming more and more popular. It will be interesting if the trend will continue this year despite a slow start to the season in North America.


strava activities uploaded in groups
Top activities uploaded in groups | Photo Credit:


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