VIDEO: Actual Cat Boarding — A Full Cat Snowskate Part Ft. “Taddy”

SnowBrains |

Taddy Skates- Best Cat Snowskate Video Ever!

Yep. You just watched a cat boarding down a snowskate park. What a time to be alive!

The cat’s name is “Taddy,” and he’s surely a ripper. wrote about the video in a post where they said:

“Paws everything you are doing. Yeah, we didn’t think we would be here either… but this cat has some proper fe-lines. And IT HAS A CAMEO BY THE GOAT (a literal goat). It is definitely not what first comes to mind when someone says snowcat, but it is our fifth week or so in quarantine and puppies on Tik Tok aren’t cutting it anymore. Boxes, rails, cliff drops, river gaps… this is the life and times of a REAL sprocking cat. Getting back to what the internet was initially invented for, Phil Smage drops the first-ever snowskate full part by a cat that we know of ft. Taddy. (And let’s be real, it seems a bit friendlier than making your dog surf.)”

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