VIDEO: Chris Davenport Demonstrates the Danger of Tree Wells

SnowBrains |

Tree Well Demo

Had a blast making this the other day with my crew up at CMH Monashees.

Tree wells are scary.

Tree wells are dangerous.

Stay out of tree wells!

Tree Well Fall. Image: Ski California
Tree Well Fall. Image: Ski California

Tree well and deep snow suffocation is a serious problem in the Western USA and Canada.

Incidents occur with deep snow accumulations and tree well immersions, where a skier or snowboarder falls into an area of deep, unconsolidated snow and becomes immobilized.

Since 2001, there have been more snow immersion deaths in California than in any other state.

A tree well is a void or depression that forms around the base of a tree and most likely under the branches that hang from those trees, disguising the void. This void may contain a mix of low-hanging branches, loose snow, and air. While skiing or snowboarding, it is very difficult to determine if a tree well exists, so skiers and riders should treat every tree the same.

Skiers and snowboarders must understand the risks of deep snow, educate themselves, and strictly adhere to safety recommendations, including always skiing or riding within sight of a partner, especially when off a designated trail, within the trees, or a gladed area.

Key Safety Tips for Resort Guests

โ€ข Each skier or snowboarder controls his or her own level of risk. Only you can prevent this type of accident from happening. Always ski or ride with a partner and within close sight. To minimize your risk, you must know how to travel safely with your partner(s) in these ungroomed deep-snow areas.

โ€ข Always stay in visual contact so that your partner(s) can see you if you fall. Visual contact means stopping and watching your partner descend at all times, then proceeding downhill while he or she watches you at all times. It does no good if your partner is already waiting for you in the lift line while still descending the slope.

โ€ข Stay close enough to either pull or dig out. If you have any questions about what โ€œclose enoughโ€ to assist someone in a tree well is, hold your breath while reading this. The amount of time before your partner needs air may be how much time you have to pull or dig the person out of danger. Other factors such as creating an air pocket or the entrapped skierโ€™s position may also affect this critical timeframe.

โ€ข Remember, if you lose visual contact with your partner, you could lose your friend. It is important to know that most people who have died in deep snow or tree well accidents had been skiing or riding with a partner at the time of their accident. Unfortunately, none of these partners was in immediate visual contact, so they could not help in a timely manner.

โ€ข Use appropriate equipment to minimize risks. When skiing or snowboarding in high-risk areas for deep snow or tree wells, wear a helmet, enter the ski patrolโ€™s phone number into your smartphone, and carry a whistle in case you need to get someoneโ€™s attention if you become entrapped in deep snow or a tree well.

โ€ข If you still have questions, contact your ski patrol. Ask your ski patrol what the current risks and conditions are with deep snow at your local ski area before you explore risky terrain such as tree areas, glades, or off-trail terrain where deep snow and tree well risks exist.

Follow these helpful tips to stay safe on the Mountain. All the recent snowfall in California and the west, along with more in the forecast, makes for dangerous conditions out there, so always take necessary precautions and never venture out alone.

Stay Safe Out There. Image: Ski California
Stay Safe Out There. Image: Ski California


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One thought on โ€œVIDEO: Chris Davenport Demonstrates the Danger of Tree Wellsโ€

  1. Important warning; but this is a super lame video.

    The reality is that if you fall down anywhere near a pine tree with branches near the ground, there will probably be a huge amount of light unconsolidated snow. The problem is that lying on your side with skis on, your upper body will immediately sink and fall head down into the deep snow pivoting like a door hinge on your still attached skis.

    Now the desperate dangerous struggle begins. You are now completely upside down hanging by your skis. You have no air to breath and only seconds to kick off your ski bindings. And fully upside down, you have nothing to push off of or grab. Your only hope is to try to grab the tree and somehow invert to fresh air. Or stay still and hope your close by friends get you out asap. Either way, this seemly trivial possibility is a death trap that springs suddenly without any warning or time to react. Happened to me once in the backcountry when I was trying to avoid someoneโ€™s dog.

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