[VIDEO] Direct Weather Releases Preliminary Winter 23/24 Forecast

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This video from Direct Weather provides a preliminary winter forecast for 2023-2024, discussing expected precipitation patterns, temperature trends, and potential snowfall.

The transition from La Niña to El Niño is anticipated to bring changes in precipitation, with drier conditions expected in the Northwest while the Southwest experiences above-average precipitation. Nor’easters and potential blizzards are likely along the East Coast. Coastal areas are expected to see more precipitation, while inland areas will depend on storm tracks for significant rainfall.

The West is predicted to have above-average temperatures, driving cooler air into the Central and Eastern United States. The Ohio Valley, Upper Midwest, and Great Lakes could experience below-normal temperatures. The video also mentions typical snowfall for the Rockies and Cascades, the possibility of a “horseshoeing storm track,” a potential polar vortex, and varying snow, rain, and ice scenarios. There are expected to be above-average storms, severe weather, and significant snowfall in certain regions, such as the Gulf States, Appalachian mountain range, and East Coast.

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