[VIDEO] Direct Weather Winter 24/25 Early Forecast – Coldest and Snowiest in Years?

WeatherBrains |

We’re still skiing the 23/24 season, but that hasn’t stopped the Direct Weather team from considering what next winter might hold for us.ย Too soon?

In “A Very Early Look at the Winter of 2024-2025 | Coldest & Snowiest in Years?” the speaker discusses potential winter weather patterns based on El Niรฑo-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) data and contrasting predictions from two climate models. The speaker notes that the current data suggests a weak La Niรฑa, which may result in weaker-than-average snow and cold chances in the eastern parts of the United States. However, historical data and El Niรฑo patterns suggest the possibility of a cold and snowy winter, particularly in the eastern United States. The speaker references specific years, such as 1988 to 1989, as potential analogs for the upcoming winter. The speaker also mentions that March of the upcoming winter could bring some warmth to the southern and central states, while the north and west could experience cooler temperatures. The accuracy of these predictions is uncertain, and the speaker emphasizes the importance of considering historical data and El Niรฑo patterns as a foundation for winter forecasts. The speaker plans to discuss winter forecasts in more detail and upload videos bi-weekly or at least once a month.”

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