VIDEO: Hereโ€™s a Nice Holiday Giftโ€ฆ The Ripsaw EV2

SnowBrains |

This vehicle would certainly raise the quality of life for any snow loving human.  Imagine the places you could go and the access to backcountry terrain you could gain with this thingโ€ฆ

The only problem we foresee is you not bringing your skis anymore after a while.  Youโ€™d just take this out to get your thrills.

Yes, this Ripsaw vehicle is military grade.

โ€œWe did this to save the lives of those fighting for ours โ€“ plain and simple.โ€
โ€“ Geoff Howe, speaking about Ripsaw MS-1


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One thought on โ€œVIDEO: Hereโ€™s a Nice Holiday Giftโ€ฆ The Ripsaw EV2โ€

  1. the ice on the lake eliminates any friction on the tracksโ€ฆ.how does it work on dirt. I would imagine the tracks have a lot of strain on them with a hard unforgiving surfaceโ€ฆ.

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