[VIDEO] Skiing All 52 13,000-Foot Peaks in Colorado’s Elk Mountains in 60 Days—ZipFit’s Michael Wirth is a BEAST

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52/13 Teaser

Brought to you by ZipFit

This video is a teaser, giving us a glimpse of ZipFit athlete Michael Wirth’s journey to climb to and ski from the summits of all 52 13,000′ peaks in Colorado’s Elk Range in 60 days. Exactly.

It is without a doubt going to be one of the most epic ski films of the year when it does drop. 

Meanwhile, Michael Wirth is currently working on a project to climb and ski all of the 31 classic ski descents in the continental US in one season. This is 31 of the 50 lines that Cody Townsend is skiing in his Fifty Project, but in a much quicker and lighter style, all happening this spring.


Wirth recently skied the second descent of the Comstock Couloir in the Selkriks: 24 miles, 13,500 feet of climbing, and 14 hours… the kid is a monster. More info will be released on Wirth’s project when we get it—we can’t wait!

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