VIDEO: Straight-Lining a Gnarly Chute To Escape An Avalanche

SnowBrains | | Post Tag for AvalancheAvalanche

Our buddy, Adri just accidentally triggered an avalanche in a super critical zone which forced him to wildly straight-line a gnarly chute to escape said avalanche.

Fortunately, Adri is a boss on skis and pulled it off with style.

Close call.  Sick line.

This line was in Baqueira/Beret, Spain this week.

“Everyday we learn new things, and that day it was a big lesson. After a snowfall a little bit windy I wanted to hit a classic run near Baqueira/Beret. It’s a run I know pretty well and probably for that reason I felt too much confident, then some unexpected things happened…
Guys, take care out there, sometimes we get too much exited without realize the real risks. I was lucky and once safe at home I can say I learned about my own mistake.” – Adria Millan

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One thought on “VIDEO: Straight-Lining a Gnarly Chute To Escape An Avalanche

  1. You start a line toward a chute.Where is the snow supposed to go……………….misleading can do better!!!!!!

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