Whistler Bike Park: โ€œExposed to Ridiculeโ€ | A Guide to Whistlerโ€™s Most Watched Lines

Eric Behn | Post Tag for CycleCycle

Whistler Mountain Bike Park is full of adrenaline. Riders taking risks, going big, and having lots of action filled fun. But when fun and adrenaline are involved, you must be ready to be heckled. Itโ€™s all in good fun, and nothing is personal, but when you ride in the Whistler Bike Park, remember that you can be exposed to ridicule if you make a riding mistake.

Exposed to Ridicule is a short guide to lines or drops which expose riders in a high traffic area with a high potential to heckling, laughing or criticism. Weโ€™ll walk you through some small tips on riding these lines in order to prevent you from embarrassment. But remember, itโ€™s all about having fun.

THE BERM 5 SETThe berms which follow Heart of Darkness are of the highest amount of exposure.
The berms which follow Heart of Darkness are of the highest amount of exposure.

This 5 set of berms which follows Heart of Darkness is of highest exposure to other riders. Often riddled with beginner riders finishing a run of Crank It Up, this can be a high traffic area and it isnโ€™t uncommon for a crash to occur. Hit it with moderate speed and ride the berms like any others you would in the park. Donโ€™t get cocky.

SCHLEYERShleyer runs beneath the chair in it's toughest section. Shleyer runs beneath the chair in itโ€™s toughest section.

This section section of Shleyer which runs beneath the Fitzsimmons Chair is never easy. The off camber rock is usually wet and slick and runs back into the woods on a tricky yet fun angle. Keep your tires as perpendicular to the rock after the stump and you should hold your line. It can also be fun to slide your rear tire into the dirt run just at the bottom left of the above photo. Keep in mind this is a double black trail and those riding are expected to have a decent  level of skill.


The drop on Upper Joyride is easier than it looks. But everyone is watching.
The drop on Upper Joyride is easier than it looks. But everyone is watching.

Upper Joyride houses a decent sized rollable drop. You can see it very clearly from the chair and everyone will be watching when you hit it. Despite the difficulty of this double black diamond trail, this drop can be rolled on the left side or launched off the right. The landing is smooth but keep in mind the right turn that is coming. You donโ€™t want to wash out right under the chair.

SCHLEYER DROPThe Schleyer drop is almost a no option hit. Send it and you'll have an awesome line. The Schleyer drop is almost a no option hit. Send it and youโ€™ll have an awesome line.

There isnโ€™t an easy ride around or roll on the Schleyer drop but if you have hit the A-Line, Joyride, or GLC drops this one wonโ€™t be much of an obstacle. Hit is with a little bit of speed because there is a small lip before the landing. A nice jump and rock jump follows this hit right beneath the chair. Put on a show for those riding up.

A-LINEThis section of A-Line is fun, easy to ride, and a good spot to throw in some style. This section of A-Line is fun, easy to ride, and a good spot to throw in some style.

If youโ€™re looking for whips this is the place to find them. The first section of A-Line features some easy table jumps which give you the opportunity to show your style. Get a little sideways, and have some fun. This jump is hard to mess up so hit it with lots of speed and have some fun. Itโ€™s a surprisingly good spot to throw out a good bar-hump for the eager riders who have been sitting on the chair for a while now.

THE GLC DROPThe GLC is the famous "I did that" drop. You have to commit. The GLC is the famous โ€œI did thatโ€ drop. You have to commit.

The GLC, named after the bar and patio that sits at the foot of the drop, is easily the most exposed  feature on the mountain. With a full crowd of hopped up mountain bikers and onlookers on the GLC patio as well as the typical lift line, the GLC is not the place for a fall. Take a few runs to scope it from the side, then follow someone in. The drop is during a slight right turn and will sometimes put you a little sideways on the landing. Send it, and when youโ€™re comfortable send it deep. If itโ€™s your first time, keep in mind you can roll the left side, but maintain speed and you will handle it fine.

The most important part of mountain biking and the Whistler Mountain Bike Park is having fun. Give other riders a hoot, throw a high five when someone does something cool, and always shoot others a smile. Weโ€™re all progressing at our own level. 

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