The 2 Largest Reservoirs in California are Above 90% Full Right Now

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Shasta and Oroville, the 2 largest reservoirs in CA are nearly full. image: nrcs, today
Shasta and Oroville, the 2 largest reservoirs in CA are nearly full. image: nrcs, today

Californiaโ€™s two largest reservoirs, Lake Shasta & Lake Oroville, are both above 90% of their capacity right now.  These two reservoirs alone contain more than 40% of the total water now stored in Californiaโ€™s largest reservoirs, totaling up to 6.07 million acre feet of water in Shasta and Oroville.

These two reservoirs have dramatically increased their water amounts and levels since December 2015.

Lake Shasta, CA on March 30, 2016. photo: nasa
Lake Shasta, CA on March 30, 2016. photo: nasa
Lake Shasta, CA acquired March 13, 2015 โ€“ March 30, 2016
Lake Shasta, CA acquired March 13, 2015 โ€“ March 30, 2016

Lake Shasta = 

  • 29% of capacity in December 2015 (only 4 months ago) and 100-feet below normal
  • Since Dec. 2015, Shasta has more than tripled its amount of water and the lake level rose over 135โ€ฒ
  • Lake at 1053โ€ฒ and capacity is 1067โ€ฒ
  • Currently at 91% of average
  • Californiaโ€™s largest reservoir
Much better now at 92% of capacity.

Lake Oroville =

  • Nearly reached the lowest levels ever recorded back in 1977 (645โ€ฒ) when Oroville dropped to 649.5โ€ฒ in Dec. 2015
  • Risen 230โ€ฒ since December 2015
  • Lake is at 880โ€ฒ and capacity is 900โ€ฒ
  • Californiaโ€™s 2nd largest reservoir
  • Currently at 92% of average


Central and Southern California reservoirs are not fairing as well, unfortunately.  See graph at top of article.


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One thought on โ€œThe 2 Largest Reservoirs in California are Above 90% Full Right Nowโ€

  1. Well, since Progressivism requires all of us to be in a constant state of panic, so we reflexively give up our freedoms for more Progressive control โ€ฆ you know this reservoir story means nothing. In fact โ€ฆ we could have no drought whatsoever and the Progs would still say you must only use a thimble full of water to flush down your turd.

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