Unknown Driver Has Abandoned Jeep Perched Precariously on Ridge in California

SnowBrains | Post Tag for LaughsLaughs
Nope. Credit: Jun Castro Facebook

An adventurous off-road Jeep owner learned the hard way that their vehicle cannot in fact โ€˜go anywhereโ€™.

This Jeep was found precariously balanced and abandoned on the West Ridge Trail just outside Loma Linda, CA.

Credit: Jun Castro Facebook

With a steep, rocky drop-off on both sides of the ridge, on what looks like a single-track hiking and biking trail, the driver clearly quit before things got too gnarly.  The right decision if you ask me!

How to remove it is now the problem. This road is not suitable for motor-vehicles, so getting a tow truck prepared to go out there is likely impossible.

Whatever happens, the driver was somewhere he shouldnโ€™t have been, and once located will likely face some heavy fines and costs.

Credit: Jun Castro Facebook
Credit: Jun Castro Facebook
Credit: Jun Castro Facebook
Credit: Jun Castro Facebook
Credit: Jun Castro Facebook

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3 thoughts on โ€œUnknown Driver Has Abandoned Jeep Perched Precariously on Ridge in Californiaโ€

  1. A WWII jeep had lifting points/handles to allow a rifle squad the ability to lift and carry the whole thing. If you had to, you could disassemble it in 20 minutes and carry the parts out.  Guess air-conditioning and cruise control has a placeโ€ฆ  Lame place to abandon.

  2. This is one image that Jeep wonโ€™t use in one of their ads.

    It would be more suited to โ€œMoron Monthlyโ€

    Pisteoff is absolutely right! Impound it! Also charge him for the helicopter that is going to have to come out to lift that thing off the ridge.

    What a jerk!

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