UPDATE: Jeff ‘Dr. Huckinstuff’ Leger Returns Home Following Serious Accident at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, WY Last Week

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Jeff Leger aka Dr. Huckinstuff was critically injured in the S & S Couloir in the Jackson Hole backcountry last Saturday, January 18. Photo: Travis Rice/Instagram

Jackson Hole, WY resident Jeff Leger, aka Dr. Huckinstuff, was involved in a serious accident last Saturday, January 18, when entering the S & S Couloir at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort.ย Airlifted from a hospital in Jackson, WY to a level 1 trauma center in Salt Lake City, Utah for immediate surgery, he broke 9 bones and his condition was critical.

Yesterday, he issued an upbeat post on Instagram, with an update:

POW! That magical moment of bliss we all want to exist in. Fleeting glimpses of an ethereal realm where everything is possible. Did it really happen? Was it all a dream?
Thanks to the incredible support and love from all of you, I’ve returned home to Jackson after one of the hardest weeks of my life & can now begin on the path of recovery. Nobody knows where this life will lead and that’s precisely what makes it so exciting. Pleasure or pain, all experience is a blessing. So bring on the worst and I’ll give it my best. I’m grateful for today whatever it has in store. See you soon in the subnivean zone. 📸- @jxnfigs❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️
“No worthwhile life can be lived without risks, despite current American superstitions to the contrary.”
Alan Watts

His brother, Christian, who started a GoFundMe page that has since raised over $45k, also issued this statement this morning:

Good Morning, I want to send out some good news! After an extremely difficult week in the hospital, Jeff was released! He and Seana drove back from Salt Lake to JH and are beginning the long road to his recovery. Jeff is in good spirits and is eager to begin his therapy.
I can not express the amount of gratitude we all feel for the support and kindness everyone involved has exhibited. We are all humbled and grateful.
Thanks to everyone!

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