Lindsey Vonn Says She Won’t Be Representing Trump At Olympics

Mitch McDermott | | Post Tag for OlympicsOlympics

In a recent interview with CNN, Olympic skier Lindsey Vonn said she won’t represent President Trump at the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang.  Vonn also added how she would not visit the White House if given the opportunity.

“Well I hope to represent the people of the United States, not the president,” Vonn told the interviewer.

As a number of athletes and high-profile celebrities have been outspoken about current president, Donald Trump, Lindsey Vonn shared her view on where she stands.  After stating how serious she takes the Olympics and what they represent she also said the following:

“I want to represent our country well and I don’t think there are a lot of people currently in our government that do that.”

When CNN’s Christina McFarlane asked whether or not she would accept an invitation to the White House she was quick to respond, “Absolutely not.”  She is one of a few Olympians to publicly reject an invitation including Gus Kenworthy, Ashley Wagner, Nathan Chen and Adam Rippon.  Athletes from the New England Patriots and the Golden State Warriors also refused to visit the White House this year after winning championships.

Lindsey Vonn, fis, alpine skiing, world cup
Lindsey Vonn competes in a ski race in 2014. Photo: Canadian Press/AP Photo Frank Gunn

Vonn, debatably the best female skier of all-time, is competing in the Olympics for the first time since 2010 in Vancouver.  She has been battling various injuries which started in 2013, keeping her out of continuous competition since then.  Vonn holds the most World Cup victories (77) for a female skier, so despite her setbacks, she has the ability to bring home another gold medal.

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10 thoughts on “Lindsey Vonn Says She Won’t Be Representing Trump At Olympics

  1. Time to step aside and realize your not relevant anymore, especially when you continue to get injured and are unable to compete at the top level .
    Shaun white and Lindsey Vonn need to
    Take themselves off the list and let the younger and more talented athletes compete for Olympic gold.

  2. Good for you Hanshan!! Check out the Access Funds and Patagonia’s web site and get involved in saving the Bears Ears.

  3. I am impressed by Lindsay’s resolve, and I applaud her thoughtful decision regarding this complete travesty of a president. Brilliant Lindsay!

  4. You can not keep politics out of anything in America today as long as we have a totalitarian leader hell bent on serving the needs of big business. He has no respect for women, minorities, Mexicans, African Americans or for his own family. He worships at the alter of corporate funds. Wake up!!!! This so called billionaire could care less about the needs of any Americans. Tax cuts to the wealthy and to corporations. Unless you are part of the 1% you are not on his agenda. Wake up!!!!! Good for you Lindsey. Uberright but not uberbright!!!!!

    1. Accurate Tom. The con man in the white house just stole Bears Ears and Escalante! May the spirit of Mr. Abbey inspire us to action……….

  5. Seconding uberright. Sounds like she is buying into the sham of #liberallogic. And like she would be invited to the White House. Lmao

    1. You are inaccurate regarding your juvenile-jokey-smug assumption. Olympic ski team USA visited The White House in 2014.

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