With the Most Snow in the Country Mammoth Mountain, CA Will be Staying Open Through at Least July 4th

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Mammoth Mountain: Most Snow in the Country

Mammoth Mountain, CA announced today that it will be open for skiing and riding through at least July 4th. Thatโ€™s right, spring and summer skiing will be available through at least Independence Day.

mammoth, deepest snowpacks
An epic start to February. Credit: Facebook

With February storms dropping more than 15 FEET of fresh snow, Mammoth Mountain also currently has the most snow. With 446โ€ณ of snow on their summit so far this season, this is the most of any resort in North America.

The current base is 210โ€ณ, also the highest in the country, with multiple feet of snow in the immediate forecast. If you still arenโ€™t getting it, Mammoth is going OFF right now, conditions are all-time, and theyโ€™re only going to get better.

mammoth, california
Multiple feet in the immediate forecast. Credit: snow-forecast.com

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