Valdez, AK, Report: Skiing 50+ Degrees on โ€œThe Real Pucker Faceโ€

Miles Clark | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report
See those dots in the saddle?  Those are peopleโ€ฆ The Real Pucker Face. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains

Report from April 17, 2023

Last Monday, we got onto a beast.

The Real Pucker Face in Valdez, Alaska.

(the other Pucker Face is in Jackson Hole, WY)

Our day started with gawking at the climax avalanche that occurred this week on Meteorite Mountain.


After warming up on three mellower glacier runs, we got into the gnar.

I knew it would be a doozy when the heli pilot said he thought it was a spicy landing.

It was a toe-in on a narrow knife edge of snow with exposure on both sides.

Skiing the Rude Ramp in Valdez, AK

Gabe, our lead guide here at Pulseline Adventure, had buffed out the landing zone and dug out a space for us to stage and get our skis on.

Thanks, Gabe.

We slowly got out of the heli and unloaded our gear with great delicacy.

The Real Pucker Face. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains

The entire slope was 50+ degrees, fluted, and hanging over a cliff.

Things got a lot more comfortable once we got our skis on.

Gabe on the last run of the day. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains

Gabeโ€™s group went first and crushed it.

My group went next and mostly kept it together (Alex went for air and crashed after the bergshrund but was OK).

I went last, and I was definitely intimidated.

The snow was scratchy, stiff, and catchy.

Meteorite Mountain avalanche. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains

I decided to work right to left, letting my sluff drop off the cliff below with a plan of skiing fast and smooth down the spines.

Once on the slope, the snow quality demanded I keep my speed down, control up, and sluff managed.

I kept it together until about the cliff band elevation when I opened it up, hit some firm snow, and slid out.

Run #5. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains

I got it back together, and the snow got better shortly thereafter.

This face felt endless while on itโ€ฆ

Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains

After airing the bergshrund and pointing it toward the crowd, I let out a yip of relief and celebration.

The entire crew was stoked.

Weโ€™d skied a film line with style and got ten of us down unscathed and stoked.

We skied one more big ramp (Rude Ramp โ€“ see video above) to end the day and sent it home.

Thanks, Alaska.

The Real Pucker Face. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains



Run #1. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Run #1. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Runs #3. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Sastrugi. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Run #2. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Alex on a spiney thinger. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Grizzly Bear and cub. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Run #5. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Miles & Sean. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Gabeโ€™s last run of the day. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Rude Ramp, out last run of th day. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains

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