[VIDEO] Chasing the Dream: Owen Leeper Jumps 128-Foot Cliff in Jackson Hole, WY, Backcountry

SnowBrains | Post Tag for Cliff JumpingCliff Jumping

100+ Cliff Air in Jackson Hole, Extreme Backcountry Skiing | Owen Leeper

2023-24 was a slow start in Jackson Hole; the snow took its time to show up, and December and January were both very dry, but when it finally turned on in February, the skiing got really good. These are some of my favorite lines skiing in the backcountry of Jackson Hole. One of my goals for the season was to air more than 100โ€ฒ off a cliff and have one perfect powder day, with everything lined up to hit a big one. I have hit it before, but this time, I went faster and bigger; I measured it at about 128 feet vertically from takeoff to landing!

Thanks for all the support this season. I couldnโ€™t have done it without my amazing sponsors and the support of people like you who watch my videos.

In partnership with Meier Skis, I have been skiing on my own pro-model skis for the last three seasons. It has been a super fun process, and now we have two different models available for sale! Check out the Leeper, my main ski in the video, and my narrower version for more resort and touring, the Teton, with artwork designed by my wife, Haley!

โ€“ Owen Leeper

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