MSP Peru Ski Trip Report by Cody Townsend

SnowBrains |


Alpamayo with climbers for scale
Alpamayo with climbers for scale

Matchstick Productions just sent a crew down to Peru to ski and film in Peruโ€™s incredible Cordiella Blanca. ย The Peru team included James Heim, Scott Gaffney,ย Sam Anthamatten,ย Adrian Ballinger,ย Canyon Florey, &ย Jason Ebelheiser. ย Below are a couple of excerpts from Cody Townsendโ€™s recent article forย espn.comย about MSPโ€™s ski mountaineering adventure in Peru..

words by Cody Townsend. ย See the full Trip Report with photos here: ย

Quitaraju image
Quitaraju image. ย This is a peak the MSP crew skied


Technical ice axes.ย Twelve-point steel crampons. The first thought that came to James Heim as he read the to-bring gear list for a Matchstick Productions film trip in June to Peru’s Cordillera Blanca: “This is not something I should be doing.”

While no stranger to big mountains, Heim’s style as a skier has always been centered around fast descents on British Columbia’s skyscraper peaks. So skiing 20,000-foot glaciated mountains in Peru — including a mission to ski the never-before-skied Alpamayo and the not-often-skied Quitaraju — was a new challenge for Heim.


Check out the full report as well as some great photos here: ย MSP in Peru

SnowBrains own Lee Lyon also spent a month down here skiing many of the peaks in the area. ย Check out Leeโ€™s reports and copious amount of photos from Peru here: ย One Month in Peru

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One thought on “MSP Peru Ski Trip Report by Cody Townsend

  1. Definitely curious what they were able to pull off down there. Cool having some of the best skiers skiing those type of lines. the conditions are almost never good there.

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