Pro Skier David Lesh Arrested & Charged with Arson

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Professional skier and part owner of FD/Virtika clothing, David Lesh, was arrested in Boulder, Colorado and taken to the county jail on July 29th, 2014.

David was reportedly filming for Virtika’s “Next Friday” team video at their warehouse in Boulder.  If you don’t remember their “Last Friday” edit, it basically showed David shooting guns from cars, sleeping with naked women, toting around drugs and money.  No David is not from streets, he’s from Wisconsin.  We gotta give it to him, the kid is good at getting attention.

David Lesh’s “Last Friday” edit

 According to police records from July 29th, 2014, a 911 call came in reporting:

 “several individuals had made a huge pile of shopping carts, poured gas on them, and lit them on fire”.

” a gold SUV doing donuts in a parking lot and creating a huge dust cloud”. – 911 call

Boulder police as well as the Boulder fire department showed up at the Virtika warehouse and wanted to know what happened.  David Lesh and friends wouldn’t answer any questions.

The police reports states that there were:

“around 25 shopping carts strewn around the parking lot, some of which were smashed and others partially burnt” – police report

They also reported that there was a gold SUV that had been:

“driven into the side of a nearby building, with a shopping cart wedged under the car”. – police report

Boulder police confiscated a tank of gasoline, a torch and a video camera from the warehouse.  The cops simply watched the video on the camera and arrested David Lesh and friends.

David Lesh was charged with second degree arson on July 30th, 2014.  He paid his bail and will be in court in August, 2014 for this offense.

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11 thoughts on “Pro Skier David Lesh Arrested & Charged with Arson

  1. The reason ‘ pro skier’ has more media exposure is because your going to jail for being an idiot , nothing entitles you to break the the law and not suffer the consequences of that action , claiming that you are allowed certain behavior because of a self proclaimed title of pro skier ? Have you ever entered a contest or competed professionally ? I get paid to ski and do not claim the title of pro skier , get a grip on reality your going to jail for your stupidity

    1. ,,er PowSkier99,

      jk, thats’ short for just kidding, get a grip yourself yo, sometimes there are funny responses to stories on this blog, it’s called sarcasm:>)

      peace out

  2. My title of ‘pro skier’ entitles me to certain behavior that is not always considered normal in today’s society.
    I’m a ‘pro skier’ and I have way more media exposure than you.

  3. This guy is not a pro skier , don’t film yourself breaking the law , complete and total moron .
    What does shooting a gun and drifting a rally car have to do with skiing ? Real skiers ski pow , not just park

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