Red Bull/MSP’s 2-Year Movie Trailer: “Days of My Youth” Red Bull & MSP just released their latest trailer for their 2-year movie project: “Days of My Youth”. This won’t be their last trailer for this movie. The trailer is OK, but might be about 1:30 too long. There is no skiing at all in the trailer until the 1:25 minute mark. There is a line at the end that is some sort of long, skinny, tunnel chute that is very cool. It does seem since Sherpa Cinema’s “All. I. Can.” and the explosion of internet ski porn that people now have to have a story associated with their ski movie. MSP hasn’t done a storyline style ski movie […] Movie Trailer SnowBrains | July 22, 2014 2 Comments
New Travis Rice/Brain Farm Film Announced Travis Rice and the Brain Farm crew know a few things about making movies. Their previous collaborations alongside Red Bull Media House have produced the iconic snowboard films That’s It, That’s All and Art of FLIGHT. A week ago they made the official announcement, they are at it again, and this time they have the technology. […] Movie Trailer SnowBrains | March 13, 2014 0 Comments
This Could Change Snowboarding Forever… | Red Bull’s Double Pipe Red Bull Double Pipe will be 55m wide and 167m long, making it the largest halfpipe ever built. With janky halfpipe conditions being a red hot topic right now, Red Bull have decided to take snowboarding to the next level. In the coming weeks Snow Park Technologies will be building two perfectly groomed halfpipes side-by-side. The event will be the […] SnowBrains | March 7, 2014 1 Comment
VIDEO: Cody Townsend Going Off Squaw Valley’s Cody Townsend hasn’t been at Squaw much lately. He’s taken his skills to Alaska and Canada and hasn’t looked back. Cody can charge big mountain lines, throw backflips, and toss 3s with the best of ’em these days. He’s certainly fun to watch, which will keep him in ski movies for a long time to come. Red Bull is now running the show for MSP which means that Cody is peaking at the exact right time. […] SnowBrains | February 6, 2014 0 Comments
Squaw’s Michelle Parker in Red Bull/MSP’s “Days of Our Youth” Michelle Parker grew up in Squaw Valley, California. That didn’t hurt her skiing ability. She’s raced, competed in park, starred in big ski movies, injured her knee badly, gotten sponsored by Red Bull, and she’s now being groomed to be the next big big mountain female ski star. In another sneak peek from Red Bull Media House and MSP Films’ epic Fall 2014 release Days of My Youth, we get to […] SnowBrains | January 7, 2014 0 Comments
MSP Skis Peru’s Cordillera Blanca It appears that Red Bull has kicked MSP into high gear.Over the next couple of months, we’re going to be giving glimpses at our latest MSP project, Days of My Youth. Kicking it off is our trip to Peru’s Cordillera Blanca last June/July with James Heim, Sam Anthamattenn, Adrian Ballinger and the film crew of myself, Jason Ebelheiser and Canyon Florey. Enjoy! – MSP Director Scott Gaffney […] SnowBrains | December 26, 2013 0 Comments
Cycle Sundays: The Top Three Runs & Highlight Video | Red Bull Rampage The famous Red Bull Rampage freeride mountain bike competition went took place in Virgin, Utah. Known as the only true big mountain freeride event, where riders are allotted three days and three team mates to build and sculpt their own lines down a face of rock and dirt, the Rampage is one of the most dangerous events in […] Cycle Eric Behn | October 20, 2013 1 Comment
Cycle Sunday: The Crash of a Lifetime at Red Bull Rampage Red Bull Rampage has been ramping up this week and will go broadcasted live today on but the big story for qualifiers was 37-year-old Dustin Schaad’s massive fall. See the full photo sequence below and hear Schaad recall the fall in his own words by following the link below: CRASH OF A LIFETIME: Dustin Schaad Walks Away […] Cycle Eric Behn | October 13, 2013 0 Comments