Revelstoke Mountain Resort, BC โ€“ Whatโ€™s New for Winter 2018/19

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Ripper Zone will be a focal point for on-mountain enhancements over the next two years. Credit: Revelstoke

Revelstoke Mountain Resort โ€“ Whatโ€™s New For Winter 2018/19

The big story for the upcoming 2018/19 season at Revelstoke Mountain Resort, BC centers on improvements that are slated for the Ripper Zone, the first of which will be completed in advance of Opening Day, December 1, 2018.

Ripper Phase 1 โ€“ 2018/19


Revelstoke, BC is home to some legendary glade skiing and the Ripper Zone is no exception. Over the course of the summer, the Resort completed an extensive glading program in Powder Monkey Glades and the Lower Back 40 Glades. Skiers and riders can look forward to improved spacing and some new line choices in both of these areas.

New Runs

There will be two new runs added to the Ripper Zone for the 2018/19 season, named Blow Down and Simmer Down. A number of run improvements and earthwork have also been completed, providing an improved experience for intermediate skiers and riders.

Warming Hut

A new warming hut has been constructed atop the Ripper Chair. This new facility will provide skiers and riders with a place to escape the elements or store a daypack.

Downtowner Reroute

The Downtowner has gone through a major overhaul that included plenty of rock blasting and earthwork. The new green route provides a friendly alternative for beginners and facilitates easier access to the front side of the mountain.

Revelstoke, upgrades, what's new, canada, British columbia
Ripper Improvements for 18/19. Credit: Revelstoke

Other Improvements for 2018/19

RFID Tickets and Passes

Hands-free convenience is here. New for 2018/19, Revelstoke Mountain Resort lift tickets and passes are equipped with the latest RFID technology. This means no more fumbling with your ticket or pass when trying to board the lift. New RFID enabled Season Passes will be available for pick up in late October. Please note, all Season Pass holders will be required to pick up a new RFID enabled Season Pass.

Expanded Grooming Fleet

Building off of a partnership that was established with PRINOTH last year, the Resort will be adding two additional PRINOTH snowcats to its grooming fleet for the upcoming winter. These new snowcats will help the Resort maintain its reputation for world-class groomers, particularly on top-to-bottom classics like Snow Rodeo that descend the most vertical in North America, 5,620 vertical feet.

New Hard Goods Store: Critical Parts

A new hard goods store named Critical Parts is scheduled to open in October at the base of the Resort. Critical Parts will feature the latest gear from Salomon, Atomic, Faction, Lange, Full Tilt, Jones, Never Summer, Trapper Snowboards, BCA, Black Diamond and more. Critical Parts will also have three certified boot-fitters on staff to help skiers find the perfect fit.

Revelstoke, upgrades, what's new, canada, British columbia
2 New PRINOTH Groomers. Credit: Revelstoke

Future Developments โ€“ 2019/20

Alongside the developments outlined above, the Resort has also begun planning for the 2019/20 season, which includes the installation of a beginner lift, a modernized rope tow and an increase in gondola capacity.

Ripper Phase 2, Cupcake Chair

In an effort to further enhance the Ripper ski experience, an additional lift will be constructed for the 2019/20 season in an area between the Ripper Connector and the Revelation Gondola. This new lift, named the Cupcake Chair, will provide a direct link to the Ripper area from the top of the Gondola. The Cupcake Chair will have an upload capacity of 1,800 people/hour with a travel time of just over three minutes. The Cupcake Chair will also feature a new beginner terrain pod that caters to beginner skiers and riders.

Swiss Cord Rope Tow

A Swiss Cord, modernized rope tow, has also been ordered for the 2019/20 season. This lift will be installed alongside the Downtowner flats to help skiers and riders get back to the front side of the mountain from the Ripper Zone.

Gondola Capacity Increase

An increase in the Revelation Gondola capacity has also been confirmed for the 2019/20 season. The Resort recently added 24 cabins for the 2017/18 season, increasing the capacity by 25%. For the 2019/20 season, the Revelation Gondola will increase to full capacity fo 2,800 people/hour with an additional 22 gondola cabins on order.

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