VIDEO: Illegally Free-Climbing Whistler’s “Peak 2 Peak” Gondola in BC [arve url=""] Jesse | August 3, 2021 Likes Tweets 3 Comments
VIDEO: Polish Daredevil Arrested After Free-Soloing Second Tallest Building in France A Polish climber was arrested after scaling the outside of the Montparnasse Tower in central Paris on the evening of September 18, French media reports. Videos taken by nervous onlookers from the bottom of the 689-foot skyscraper (France’s second-tallest building) show Marcin Banot, who vlogs under the moniker “BNT” or BNT fhujHD, free-soloing the building’s exterior dozens of floors […] Climbing SnowBrains | October 8, 2020 0 Comments
VIDEO: CRAZY Parkour Front Flip onto a Free-Standing Post “It excites me to know that the possibilities are seemingly endless,” said Dominic Di Tommaso, the man pulling the crazy parkour stunt in the video above. It took the Red Bull sponsored freerunner 3 hours and 8 tries to successfully land that daring stunt. Dominic is not one who gives up easily. Related: VIDEO: Red Bull Drops “Urban Freeride Lives 3” […] SnowBrains | December 23, 2019 2 Comments
French Outraged After UK Climber Leaves Rowing Machine Atop Mont Blanc In a stunt sparking international anger, a British tourist has hauled a 57-pound rowing machine up the heights of France’s Mont Blanc only to abandon the equipment at a shelter close to the mountain’s summit. Related: French Authorities Restricting Access to Mont Blanc to Reduce Overcrowding Outraged Frenchmen, terming the stuntman a “wacko” are imploring the nation’s government to “write […] Climbing Paulie | September 5, 2019 0 Comments
VIDEO: Crazy Paraglide Skiing Stunts Done By The Black Crows Ski Crew [arve url=""] Chris Wallner | April 4, 2017 0 Likes 1 Tweet 0 Comments
Falling 1,000 Feet Into The Abyss on a Rope Is This a Rope Swing? WHAT Is This? This guy falls for about 1,000 vertical feet before the rope starts to even think about being taunt and the video fades to black… Are we intrigued? Very much. They appear to be operating with some level of confidence, so we can only assume they’ve done this before. Yet, it just doesn’t really seem survivable or intelligent to free fall […] SnowBrains | June 13, 2013 6 Comments
Eric Roner Jumps Shane McConkey’s Snowmobile off 800-Foot Cliff skip to 3:40 for the snowmobile jump This snowmobile B.A.S.E. stunt is interesting in that in hasn’t been done before… as far as we know. It’s impressive to watch how long Eric is able to stay on the snowmobile in the air. It kicks way back on him, he’s able to hit the throttle, get the nose back down, hang […] SnowBrains | May 13, 2013 2 Comments
Psychotic Stunt of the Year Award | 200-ft Motorbike Jump to BASE Jump Into River… . . Just go to the 3:15 mark of this video and watch it. There is no good way of describing this stunt. It’s hard to believe that he planned on the parachute opening last minute just enough to keep him from exploding via the surface tension of the water. That someone came up with this idea at all is […] SnowBrains | March 28, 2013 0 Comments