Teton Range, WY Report: Mandatory Air In – “Don’t Hit The Walls!” Chute Skiing

Miles Clark | Post Tag for BackcountryBackcountry | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report

Brought to you byย 10 Barrel Brewing

Report from February 19, 2021

We spent a lot of time walking and a very little time skiing in the Tetons yesterday.

We had a specific set of goals and we went right at ’em.

I was honored to get to ski one of my dream lines in good snow:

  • A chute you have to drop a medium-sized air to get into
  • You land in a tight zone with rock walls on both sides
  • Then you come blasting through the chute doing all you can not to hit the walls

The snow above the air into the chute was crusty and hooky and weird.

The snow in the chute and in the apron was excellent.

We walked back up and I went for another dream chute that I’d never skied before:

  • A handful of turns before dropping into a water-slide sized tube
  • Crux is the speed, acceleration, 2 turns you have to make in the chute, and kicky bump at the end of the chute

It was scary as the hard rock walls are damn close to your soft fleshy being.

My left pole hit the left wall in the tighest part of the chute.

From there we walked up once more and skied a lovely powder run down to the real world.

Yesterday was a special day.

And a kinda bizarre day as I executed a 24-hour fast yesterday.

I felt great most of the day but by the last hike, I was dragging…

Breakfast at 5:30 pm was sumptuous.

We didn’t see any signs of avalanche danger.

We did see the snow metamorphasize into a cooked and refrozen crust on east and south slopes at lower elevations.

2020/21 Backcountry Reports:

Avalanche Forecast:

Image: JHavalanche.org, 2/24/21

Weather Forecast:

Image: noaa, 2/24/21

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